475 High Performance Building Supply is on a mission: to transform the construction industry towards high performance construction by providing high-quality knowledge resources and building components with transparency, simplicity, and exceptional service.
Drastic improvements in building performance don’t require drastic measures. With a little bit of building science and a healthy dose of thoughtful planning we can bring airtightness, sustainable insulation choices, heat recovery ventilation and great daylighting into harmonious balance to create long-lasting structures that are a joy to live and work in, and require very little energy to heat and cool.
Come to have a beer, network, ask questions, learn about exemplary buildings, and hear a presentation featuring some building science theory.
The first beer’s included in your ticket, and we look forward to the chance to meet you in person. Don’t hesitate to bring a friend!
5:30pm – Doors open, networking
6:00pm – Presentation from 475’s Craig Toohey
6:45pm – Q&A
7:00pm – Beer to follow!
This event is being presented in collaboration with NAPHN, PHMN, and 475.
Bang Brewing offers an amazing location and ethos. As they tell it: “From the construction of our brewery, to the high-quality organic ingredients we use to craft our beers, to our appreciation and value of our employees, community, and environment – our business is rooted in the quadruple bottom line.”
Craft brewing has some clear parallels to craft homebuilding – both are re-emerging arts that often espouse important common values – values like sustainability, quality, and social impact. Ample parking and a bicycle parking corral are available.
Craig Toohey, a Certified Passive House Tradesperson and Certified Passive House Builder, will give a short presentation, covering:
-How do we define high performance, and why should anyone care?
-How do we assess moisture risk in super-insulated assemblies, and what do we need to know about building science in order to build safe and durable wall and roof assemblies in cold climates?
-How important are airtightness and thermal bridging when it comes to energy losses, and what do we know about the importance of the embodied carbon of building materials?
–What makes a high performance project a success? What are the challenges and opportunities from a design and execution perspective, and what lessons have we learned from stick frame, timberframe, double-stud, I-joist outrigger, pre-fab assemblies, unvented flat roofs, and historic masonry and other deep energy retrofits?
The weekend preceding this event is the International Passive House Open Days, when local Passive House projects open their doors to members of the public who wish to tour a Passive House project. A few projects in Minneapolis will participate this year, and Craig and Aaron from 475 will be in attendance.
From Tuesday through Friday Nov. 12-15, Passive House Minnesotaand the North American Passive House Network are hosting a 4-day Passive House Tradesperson training for building professionals looking to have a thorough introduction into the principles and benefits of Passive House construction, and how to execute the details on site.
Projects to tour include:
Lexington Parkway Passive House Plus (TE Studio, Reuter-Walton Construction), 1-5pm Saturday
Tour Tickets and Details: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/76681104247
Website Link: https://testudio.com/projects/lexington-parkway-passive-house/
Good Energy Haus (TE Studio, Tanner Construction), 2-4pm Sunday
Tour Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/76682632819
Website Link: https://testudio.com/projects/good-energy-haus/