Minnesota Design Team (MDT) is visiting the town of Silver Bay, Minnesota, on May 20–21.
Silver Bay is a classic example of a “company town,” built principally to house the workers of Reserve Mining Company, now Cleveland Cliffs. From these historical roots—the taconite mining industry of northern Minnesota—the city has evolved to be a significant community and potential destination on the North Shore. The community has asked AIA Minnesota, through its MDT program, to help them flesh out a vision for the future of Silver Bay. Sereral issues the City wants to explore include:
– Their eventual transition from a mining community to a recreational destination on the North Shore,
– Trails and park development connected to existing facilities to support becoming a regional recreation destination,
– Renovation and expansion of the downtown core,
– Developing a Gateway Corner Concept Plan to introduce visitors to the city,
– Housing stock expansion to meet the life-cycle needs of current and future residents,
– Concepts for redevelopment of the Mary Mac Elementary School site.
People interested in participating in this visit should contact visit co-leads Steve Roos or Candace Dow for more information.