Architectural Registration Exam (ARE) Support Application

The Minnesota Architectural Foundation (MAF) is providing support to members of the architectural community and recent graduating students seeking professional licensing during the economic slowdown.


Members of the Minnesota architecture community who are pursuing architectural licensure and have been recently impacted by COVID-19 including those furloughed or laid off and architecture students seeking employment and preparing for licensure. Eligible participants must meet one of the following: 

  • Those who have completed their professional degree and are currently furloughed or laid off due to COVID-19
  • Those currently employed but whose employers do not fund ARE study materials
  • University of Minnesota architectural students in the last year of their professional degree (final year of March program) preparing for licensure
  • Dunwoody architectural students in their last year of their professional degree (5th year of BArch program) preparing for licensure

Exclusion: Members of the Minnesota architecture community and students who have direct access to up-to-date study materials / online study supports either through their educational institution or employer are not eligible for assistance.

ARE Support Benefit

There are a variety of study materials recommended by NCARB, the administrator of the ARE. Generally, there are two different types of study materials currently available: online subscriptions and books. This program will support up to a 6-month online subscription to Black Spectacles (this is the only NCARB recommended online program for all sections of the exam). The MAF will fund a contribution of up to 80% of an individual’s Black Spectacles 6-month subscription, for a total amount in the range of $500-$600. The financial support to an individual is not contingent on passing the AREs.

Selection Process and Schedule

After the completion of the last round of applicants, MAF has a few remaining spots available. If you meet the requirements above please email Remaining subscriptions will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.