Celebrating DISCOVERY and advancement of architectural education to graduates and practitioners through international/
domestic travel-study

The Minnesota Architectural Foundation (MAF) is delighted that you are competing in the 2024 Ralph Rapson Traveling Study Award (RRTSA). Due to the limited time frame for completing the competition, we will not be answering questions regarding the program brief. Please read the following requirements carefully. Failure to comply with guidelines may lead to disqualification from the competition. If you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact Amber Allardyce.

Submission Requirements

Competitors will submit digital entries only. Digital submissions requirements have been reviewed to accommodate both a virtual and in-person jury process.

  • A minimum of two perspectives is required as part of the presentation, including one overall project perspective. Other perspective sketches are at the option of the competitor.
  • No additional digital information like links to websites or videos are allowed.
  • All boards must include a visible label identifying it as “2024 Ralph Rapson Traveling Study Award”.
  • You may work on this award anywhere you like, but all of the work must be your own. This is not a team project.
  • All boards/files must be anonymous and shall not include your name or reveal any authorship on any images viewed by the jury.

Digital Upload – Due March 5, 12:00 noon CST

  • Each digital submission must be equivalent to 20”x 30” in dimension in a landscape orientation.
  • No more than two (2) boards/files may be submitted.
  • All submissions should be in high-resolution JPEG/JPG format.
  • File size must not exceed 10MB per file.
  • Files are to be uploaded to AwardForce (AIA Minnesota’s award submission platform) NO LATER THAN 12:00 noon (CST) on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.  You are advised to create an account and complete the basic information in advance of March 5.  
  • NEW in 2024, competitors are asked to include a statement declaring how AI generated materials were included in the submission, if at all. This statement will not appear on the boards/files however, will be a field included in the submission process and will be shared with the jury. 
  • Late submissions are subject to disqualification.

Jury Information

Initial Jury: Thursday, March 14, 2024 (date subject to change)

During the initial jury, all entries will be juried down to a limited number of finalists (5 or less). Finalists will be notified immediately following the initial jury. All competitors will be emailed the names of the finalists after the initial jury. The jury will be determined by the RRTSA committee.

Final Jury: Thursday, March 28, 2024 (date subject to change)

All finalists are required to participate in the final jury. Finalists will participate in a full and open discussion (with the jury) of their design ideas and project concept. Additionally, they will be asked about their general travel-study plans and what they believe can be accomplished through this opportunity. Final travel-study plans and itineraries are not required at this time but a theme or intent is. The winner of the competition will be announced at a gathering of all competitors following the final jury.

On behalf of the Minnesota Architectural Foundation we thank you for competing and displaying your interest both in the competition and in architecture.

Best of luck!

View the 2024 Ralph Rapson Traveling Study Award competition brief (PDF)